Graphic Controls



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System Options

The Graphic Options page defines the behavior of CAD Graphics region in Geomet.

Activate Quick Zooms

This mode toggles the display between standard layout where results and graphics share equally the display. However, when you position the mouse in the graphics area, the display changes giving the graphics area 90% of the available width. Move the mouse off the graphics area, and the layout returns to equally shared regions.

Default: Off

Data Clouds as Points

Data Point Clouds, which are captured with GeoTracer and scanning tools are displayed with connecting lines. When this option is selected, the display of the data point cloud are shown as points or dots on the display.

Default: Off

Add Wire Frame to Solids

When displaying the measured results in solid mode, edges are normally turned off. When this option is selected, a complete wire frame edge is shown on top of the solid features.

Default: OFF

Auto Zoom

Under normal operation, new features are added to the graphic lists, but if they are outside of the current view port, they will not be seen. When this option is selected, the view port is recalculated to show the total extents of all feature as they are added.

This includes the current coordinate system which may lead to unusable graphic presentation. For example if you are working in a coordinate system that has been translated a great distance, such as car coordinates, the resulting measured feature may display as a small group located in the corner of the display.

Default: Off

Snap Angle

The Snap Angle controls the dynamic positioning by positioning the rotations on fixed positions. Dynamic positioning is available when selecting "Custom View" and interacting with the graphics display with the mouse, see Graphic Views and Controls.

Snap mode is available when performing this dynamic positioning and holding the <Shift> key down.

Default: 15°

Point Size

This option controls the point size for export in IGES files.

NOTE: This value is not available at this time.

Default: 1

Zoom (%)

The Zoom In and Zoom Out features of the graphics engine utilize this value to determine how much zoom action is required. The default value of 0.01 correlates to 10% change in the zoom factor. Each Zoom In or Zoom Out command will change the view scale by 10%.

Range: 0.005 to 0.50 (5% to 50%)

Default: 0.01

Graphic Cursor Selection

Choose the desired mouse cursor for use over the graphics region. The hand cursor has a selection pixel of 8x8. The small box has a selection size of 8x8 and the large box cursor is 16x16 pixels.

Default: hand

Applying your Selections

When finished making all your selections, press the <Apply> button and close the System Options by pressing the <Ok> button.

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