Scanning Technology
With the advances we made in 2007, we will be expanding our efforts
toward for Geomet 501 / Renishaw UCC2 inspection tools. With
industry utilizing the CMM to obtain more information during the inspection,
it is paramount that the CMM deliver more data points to better define a
feature. This can be accomplished through the use of scanning probes that
deliver thousands of data points, even on the smallest features.
CAD Update
The GeoCAD product has been folded into the Geomet 301/501 product.
Before its release, we will be adding a new process for PCS setups to reduce
the opening of solid model file and its attachment to the PCS. Previously
this was a lengthy process that required iterations and redundant
calculations positioning the model in the Coordinate System (CS) space as
the inspected part's CS.
We hope to have the CAD upgrade to Geomet 301/501 completed this upcoming
year. Most important, we can ensure that our Geomet inspection programs
remain backward compatible to the first Geomet for Windows release in 1995.
Can your current software say that?