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The Copy Services Tool provides feature level text copy and paste capability to build or reorder the inspection results on demand. This tool is not designed as a programmable step, but rather a quick method to print selected features.

  Accessing the Copy Services Tool

From the main drop-down menu, left-click on the selection [Copy Services Tool].

The tool will appear in the lower right corner of the Geomet Window..

Double-Click Setting
  About the Copy Services Tool

The Copy Services Tool interacts with the Windows standard Clipboard to pass ASCII text between the Geomet and other applications.

Due to Keystroke Magic and its remapping of keyboard functions, the Copy Services Tool does not utilize the standard Cut-Copy-Paste (Ctrl+x, Ctrl+c, Ctrl+v) Windows keystrokes.

Instead, Geomet provides commands on buttons to access the Copy Services Tool.

Double-Click Setting
  Using the Copy Services Tool

<Include Header>

This button acts like a checkmark when pressed in will include a copy of the inspection report header with every <Copy Select> or <Copy All>. If you would like the header included in the Copy/Paste, press the <Include Header> in and release it after the first copy is completed.

<Append Copy>

While <Append Copy> is pressed, any copy operations will continue to build in the Geomet Clipboard Viewer. When not pressed in, any copy operation replaces all content in the Geomet Clipboard Viwer.

<Copy Selected>

Copies only features selected in the inspection report. If used in conjunction with <Append Copy> a report can be built in random order to dynamically build a custom report.

<Copy All>

This command copies the entire inspection report to the Geomet Clipboard Viwer. This includes the inspection report header.

<Update Clipboard>

Moves the content of the Geomet Clipboard Viewer to the Windows Clipboard for use with other applications.


Moves the textual content from Windows Viewer to the Geomet Clipboard Viewer. The Paste function acts like a Windows "Paste Special" where the text formatting is carried into the Geomet Clipboard Viewer but no support for images and limited support fopr tables.

Double-Click Setting