In-Line Math Calculator




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Geomet offers an In-Line Math calculator on supported Dialog Boxes. This allows solving of simple math formulas when the operator enters data.

When a supported dialog box appears that has In-Line Math functionality it will be identified by having a small calculator icon next to the supported control, see figure 1. Not all dialog boxes support the In-Line Math Calculator.

InLineMathIcon.jpg (16177 bytes) InLineMath.jpg (16384 bytes)
figure 1, In-Line Math Icon figure 2, In-Line Calculator

Using the In-Line Calculator

When you see this icon, the edit control directly to the left will offer simple math solving function. To use, begin by entering your formula in the edit control. For example enter "2.0" in the edit control, as shown above. Next we press the addition key “+” and Geomet recognizes a math function is being requested and displays a small calculator. NOTE: The In-Line Math Calculator will activate when pressing one of the following:

  • Plus <+>
  • Minus <->
  • Multiply <*>
  • Divide </>

The initial value of "2.0" is passed into the calculator and the math symbol "+" is displayed to the left of the lower edit control. Enter in the number to be added to the upper number and press any of the math keys, " + - * / or =" which will solve the current operation and transfer the new value into the upper display awaiting another calculation.

To return the solution to the originating data field, press <Enter>.

Metric / Inch Conversion

The current value displayed in the upper display will be converted into metric (mm) or inches by pressing the corresponding button. The In-Line math Calculator makes no assignment to the values as they are calculated. By pressing the <mm> button, the upper value will be multiplied by 25.4 and when pressing <inch>, the upper values is divided by 25.4.

+ (Plus) Solves the function X + Y and returns the result in X.
- (Minus) Solves the function X - Y and returns the result in X.
* (Multiply) Solves the function X * Y and returns the result in X.
/ (Divide) Solves the function X / Y and returns the result in X.
= (Equal) Solves the current operation and transfers the result back to the X position. This does not close the Calculator.
mm Converts the upper value (X) by multiplying it by 25.4.
inch Converts the upper value (X) by dividing it by 25.4.
Sqrt Converts the upper value (X) by determining its square root.
-/+ Changes the sign of the lower value (Y).
c Clear X and Y, does not clear memory.
CE Clear the current lower value (Y).
Memory Tools
MC Clear the stored value
MR Recall the stored value
MS Save the displayed solution into the memory location, this will replace any current stored value
M+ Add the displayed value to the current value stored in the memory location