Re-Run Feature Selector




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This feature is designed to work with manual or DCC style CMMs. On a manual CMM, you can backup in the part program to re-run previously completed steps. This can be done while executing an inspection program

On a DCC style CMM, you can specify a new program entry point only when the initial inspection run has been complete.

Manual CMM ReRun Steps


figure 1, Re-Run Selector

To activate the Re-Run Feature Selector anytime during your inspection process, press the <Ctrl + g>, keys on your keyboard.  The Feature Selector Dialog will appear, see figure 1.

Selecting a Starting Feature

To select the feature to jump back too, right click on the feature in the displayed list, or enter the feature number in the Quick Jump field. When the feature has been selected click on <Ok>. Geomet will delete all program steps from the end of the current inspection up to and including the feature selected to start the re-run process.

Geomet will then prompt you with the selected feature and continue with the inspection.


DCC CMM ReRun Steps


figure 2, Restart Dialog

DCC ReRun Steps is available at the end of an inspection run. The Restart dialog, see figure 2, provides access through the <Run Steps> command to select a previous feature, and Geomet will return to that feature and perform the inspection through the end.

To use DCC ReRun, select the <Run Steps> command. A Feature Selection tool will display the current features in the inspection report. Choose the feature to start the ReRun from. Geomet will then remove all steps from the last feature, up to and including the feature you have selected.

A Target Tool will appear to guide you safely to the starting point. When you have placed the CMM in this starting point, press <Continue> and the inspection will continue under DCC control from that location.

Disable Motion, Feature Selector