Text Manual Step


F11 Measure→Manual Step Entry  
Keyboard Main Menu Toolbar

Manual Steps provide a space on the printed report to allow the operator to enter manual data. These text statements can be used for inspection report items such as hand measurements.

Activating manual Steps can be found by pressing the function key <F11>.

figure 1, Manual Step Entry Screen


These buttons add one manual step to the inspection report. The difference between the buttons is the addition of the Print Exception tag, see Using Print Exceptions.

There are four components to the Manual Step text operations. These are:

A row of lines which are used to identify the start of Manual Step text. This is used only for appearance and are optional.
A row of lines which are used to identify the end of Manual Step text. This is used only for appearance and are optional.
Enter a Description
The description field is used to enter a small note associated with the data to be recorded.
Nominal Value
This is a value entered at the self teach stage which represents the target of the measurement. An example might be the measurement of a diameter using a micrometer, the operator would enter 1.000. This number is recorded as a text line in the report followed by a line where the operator could then enter a value. The Nominal Value entry is optional.
ManStep2.jpg (30634 bytes)
figure 2, Example Output

In the output sample shown in figure 2, line 6 represents a Header, line 9 a footer. Line 7 shows an example where no nominal value is provided. Line 8 shows and example where a Nominal Value has been entered.

During the part inspection run, Geomet will place this text on the report. It is then the responsibility of the operator to complete the inspection step by manually entering the Actual value measured.