Part Coordinate System Viewer

Command Activation

  PCS→Pcs Viewer  
Keyboard Main Menu Toolbar


The Part Coordinate System Viewer provides an insight into the components of the PCSs used in your inspection report. These include the Origin and XYZ Axis vectors shown in Machine Coordinate System values.

figure 1, PCS Viewer

 The PCS Viewer, when launched, displays the Origin and Axis information for the current PCS in use. To navigate to display another PCS, use the <Up> or <Down> buttons. To jump to a specific PCS, use the <Jump To> button command.

Viewing all PCSs in a report view can be accomplished by pressing the <List> button command, see figure 2. The list command will display PCSs #0 which is the MCS to #404.

figure 2, PCS List

Within the list, PCSs are defined using two numbers. The first is the "Position Number" which is its location or record number within the array of coordinate systems. The other identifying number is its "PCS #" or designated as a "ICS".

When a PCS has been established it is assigned a PCS number, which is the recorded feature in the inspection report. When building a PCS, you must establish the Primary (Orient), Secondary (Align) and Tertiary (Origin) before a PCS number is assigned. When you have not completed all required steps, the coordinate system is considered a Interim Coordinate System (ICS). These coordinate systems are enforce when measuring features. Geomet suppresses the display of results while a ICS is active. The reported values are meaningless in there nature.

The use of the PCS Viewer and the PCS List helps to identify problem coordinate systems that can occur during setup.