Recalling an FCS

Coordinate System Manager

Command Activation

' PCS→PCS Manager RecallPCSToolbar.jpg (11562 bytes)
Keyboard Main Menu Toolbar


The CS Manager provides access to recall established Fixture Coordinate Systems, or FCS. Recalling an established FCS into the current part inspection, creates a new Part Coordinate System from the reference data stored in the FCS data file. The use of an FCS is ideally suited for production applications on DCC style CMMs where fixtures are used to hold the part to be inspected.

Recalling a Fixture Coordinate System

To request an FCS recall, activate the Coordinate System Manager by pressing the key < ' > and ensure that the FCS button is pressed in the Select Type group, see figure 1.

CSMgrFCS.jpg (27453 bytes)
figure 1, Activating an FCS

Any existing FCS can then be recalled and made the current PCS by entering the desired FCS number. Optionally you can utilize the slider control next to the "Select Type" group to scroll through the available FCSs. Press the <Ok> button to complete the recall function.