Duplicate a Stylus






Re-Qualifying Example

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To create a copy of an existing stylus can be accomplished with the Duplicate Stylus command. This command is especially helpful when creating a stylus database on manual friction style probing systems where a need to re-qualify multiple positions are required.


To duplicate a stylus, start by highlighting an existing and qualified stylus tip. Right-click to activate the sub-menu and choose the [Duplicate Stylus] command, see figure 1. An exact copy of the highlighted stylus is created and is labeled "Copy of x" where 'x' is the original stylus reference number.

StylusMgrSub.jpg (13113 bytes)

figure 1, Stylus Manager Sub Menu

To see an example on the importance of this command, see Re-Qualify a Stylus.

Stylus Manager, Qualifying a Stylus, Re-Qualifying a Stylus, Choosing a Stylus, Deleting a Stylus, Stylus db Manager, Stylus Edit Control, Measuring with Multiple Styli